Ethical Green Data, ETGREDA

ETGREDA is a tokenized data marketplace made with Web 4.0 technology. ETGREDA gives everyone the economic value of their data, solves the copyright issues of AI models & reduces CO2 emission of the data selling process by %40.

What does ETGREDA do?

We offer a marketplace where anyone can monetize their data sustainably, rather than let it be used unethically!

We help Humanity grow,




The Roadmap

MVP phase (Current)

  • Creating the Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

  • Testing phase of MVP

  • Gathering data owners & buyers

Marketing & Fund Raising phase

  • Raise funds & collect investments

  • Publish marketing

  • Adjustments on MVP according to feedback

  • Gathering more data owners & buyers

Final Product & Expansion phase

  • Finalize product

  • Open the marketplace to the public

  • Prioritise marketing

  • Exponentially grow the network of ETGREDA

Striving to build

the sustainable future.